Wednesday, April 8, 2009

these are a few of my favorite things

so...traveling is always an adventure.
even when you don't need it to be.

I'm currently stuck in Doha for the night. yay. not only will I not be in Thailand in the morning...I won't be there at all tomorrow! ugh.

everything in Africa is on Africa time, so naturally we were not only leaving late...but the plane was broken as well. so...we waited for them to fix it.

eventually we took off.

in the meantime our flight to Thailand leaves Doha.

we land in Doha.


so...we're stuck here overnight in the airport.

and then we fly to Kuala Lampur in the morning.

and then we fly to Thailand in the evening.

so...we'll be in Thailand in two days time.

I have 5% battery power left. so...this is it. I hope everyone is clean, comfortable and entertained for the next two days. I would kill for a shower already. oh man. haha.

I can't believe I'm not in Africa anymore. I looked up at the 'plane map' on our flight and realized we had left the continent and felt very disconnected. I hadn't realized how much I felt at home there. I'll definitely be back to see more. I'm hooked.

have a great night everyone...and even though I sound a bit grumpy I'm fine. just venting a bit.
I'll be much better with some Thai food and a shower in a couple dozen hours.

miss everyone...keep writing.


  1. All in Jenn style it looks like!

  2. where have you been stranger?!
    and would I do it any other way?
