Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Oh, have you ever seen the lights?

"I've got this energy beneath my feet
like something underground's gonna come up and carry me,
I've got this sentimental heart that beats
but I don't really mind and it's starting to get to me"

How time flies.
I feel like I just left the states and yet I feel as if I've been here for a year.
I absolutely love this place. it's going to be hard to fly out tomorrow...but it's going to be amazing to get to see Thailand. everything will be shiny and new again, and this time there will be much more to adjust to. I'm so incredibly ready. I'm so absolutely excited. I'm so lucky.

my last few days in Africa not only lived up to my hopes but surpassed them. I've really had such an incredible time here...it's been eye opening.

My last night in Cape Town was a hit...I ended up staying out until 9:30 in the morning with newly made Afrikaans friends and made it back to the hostel just in time to take a quick shower and check out by 10am.
I got to explore the city a bit more with Marissa that day before flying to Durban and meeting up with Doug and Kath for the night.

The next day I wandered down to the beach and eventually met up with Tristan for a nice dinner and a fun night at the bar and club with the group, topped off by a wonderful walk on the beach. of nights that could only be real in movies and novels, I would say this was an absolute exception. it couldn't have been more perfect if it had been scripted and set. thank you to everyone who made it incredible from dusk to dawn... <3

"do you know what you started..."

Saturday was spent all over the city. Tristan and I met up with his friend Matt and Kath for breakfast and then we split off again and visited a beautiful local park filled with monkeys and a surprise avery that we didn't know was hiding there. we chatted the time away and eventually met back up with Matt and went go-karting and to get my Africa star tattoo. the tattoo place was booked up, but the go-karts were a lot of fun. we said goodbye to Matt again and spent our last few hours together talking and relaxing. eventually it was time for him to go, so we headed to Matt's flat, where I would spend the night, and said our goodbyes.

I hope our paths will cross again.

Matt and I killed the night by listening to music, chatting, getting a Rotti at Johnny's (classic Durban food...a mix of Indian and death in a 2 kilo wrap waiting to twist your stomach into knots...not that bad, but really...) and watching a movie on his laptop.

Matt and I started Sunday morning with a light breakfast and a trip to another tattoo shop in hopes of acquiring my SA star. again, no such luck. we headed out to Kloof to Matt's parent's house to partake in a 'Matt's crazy family' lunch. In reality they were amazing, funny and very nice. I had a great time and lunch was fantastic! we all chatted about politics in both the USA and SA, traveling, life experience and at one point Matt and I wandered off and laid in the sunlit grass and just talked about everything. it was a really nice time, I'm so happy I went.
afterwards we met up with Doug and Kath for some climbing at Gateway Wall, I said my final goodbyes to them and we wandered back to Matt's flat to pack my bag and kill time before my flight to JoBurg. Matt and I shared a dinner and a really good chocolate milkshake at the airport and again...more goodbyes.

my flight went smoothly and Wille (pronounced Villeh) picked me up from the airport and brought me to the hostel. we watched a movie and called it a night.

the next day, technically yesterday, was pretty mellow. made it to a tattoo shop and finally got my star and picked up Marissa from the airport. we chatted on all the things that had happed while we were apart and had some dinner at the hostel. we played pool after dinner and eventually called it a night.

so...here we are. today is intentionally mellow...we're trying to rest up for our long travels tomorrow. we hung around the hostel and walked down to the cafe (here...) for some Thailand hostel research and quick updates. apparently the people at the hostel are throwing us a bit of a bonvoyage bash tonight...so maybe it's better to rest now.

I'll try and stay in touch with everyone as best as I can on the next leg of my trip. =D
I want to thank everyone who has been staying in touch with me, leaving me comments and hanging out with me while I'm abroad. as much as I love it here I am feeling a bit detached from everyone and everything back home. it's really nice to stay connected.

"I can't do the talk like the talk on the TV

I can't do everything.........."

"Now hold on
I'm not looking for sweet talk
I'm looking for time
Time for tower and sleep walk
Brother, cause it hurts sometimes
You know it's gonna bleed sometimes
Hold on"

I'm leaving so much of myself here in Africa and I'm taking just as much with me when I go.
this may be my last day in Africa but it won't be my last time here.
this is a promise. <3

"Ooop...sounds like a dance off to me!"

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